Thursday, March 20, 2008

March Madness Socks

Today, after great thought and planning, I started a new pair of socks.
Big surprise, right?
These will be toe-up Jaywalker socks a'la Natalia Knits. Unless of course, I change it until it cannot even be recognized.
So, I was searching for Crimson And Blue for the perfect Jayhawk Jaywalkers.
I settled on a Regia. What, of all these words on this ball band, is the name of the Color?
There has to be a name on here. Doesn't it?
4-Fach Haltbar, 6-fadig, Marokko Color.
Hmmmm, there seems to be a web address..... Off we go to find our name.

Friday, March 07, 2008

What happened to Socktopia?

Does anyone know what happened to Socktopia?
I know the posts that I'm finding on the Blog/KAL or whatever it was long ago, but can't hurt to try.
I'm getting a "this might be for sale" message when I go there.
I totally missed the Harry Potter series, and am searching high and low for "dragon scale" like knitting patterns. The photos I'm seeing online are absolutely awesome!
How did I miss this? Well, I thing it was during my LACE phase last year.
There is just sooooo much cool stuff out there, how is one to keep up with it all?
Let me know if you know where I can catch up to the patterns or Socktopia.
TIA everybody...........

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Cat Bordhi Socks

Anyway, Cat Bordhi is awesome. Do you think she teaches the way she writes? I had this book for a long time before I actually dove into it.

But, back to Cat ...
There are many, many cautionary statements at the beginning about how helpful it will be to you if you knit the little sample socks BeFore you go on to the real socks. And, not wanting to have an orphan sock, and very small; I decided to do two at once. And, of course, I'm thinking: It's a little tiny sock - how much yarn would I need? So, I picked out a leftover camo color that I had made a nephew a hat from earlier. The first sock in the samples is a top down. Therefore: I have TWO Toe-LESS Camo Kid Knee Socks. They're very cute, and I'm sure they'll fit when he's about 3. And, yes, I'm sure that I'll be able to find some coordinating yarn to finish off the toes sometime in the next 2 years. But, jeeze, this is exactly why I like to do top-down sweaters and toe-up socks!
I know it's an OCD thing: I want to knit 'till all the yarn is gone. And I want the project to be finished when all the yarn is gone. It's the knitter's version of 10 hot dogs vs 8 buns.