Saturday, April 05, 2008

Photos finally

The Jayhawk Jaywalk Socks
These were started with 10 stitches (5 on each side of the needle). The toes increase 1 on each side of the instep and 1 on each side of the sole for 2 of every 3 rows until there are 25 on each sole and instep (50 total). Then I started the Jaywalker pattern.
All was going great until I tried them on after turning the heel. I had knitted straight too far. So, when I tried them on, the foot was obviously too long. And the Gussets were getting too big by that time I had increased by 17 stitches on each side. They were frogged back to the red stripe. Heels turned, again. On the right foot, the blue now pretty much just starts in the heel, but the first time the blue was a whole stripe before the heel turned.
Anyway, they really fit. But, where the pattern stitch starts, there are some really lumpy parts. I hope they work out when they're finished and blocked.
Can't wait until the game starts!

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